
Brian Ryder’s creative excellence has been recognized with a number of prestigious awards, including The Telly Awards®.

Through his various companies and divisions, Brian Ryder has been consistently selected as a Award Winner out of nearly 22,000 entries from all 50 states and 5 continents for 3 years in a row.

And has won seventeen International awards for various works and projects, including categories of 3D animation, Stop motion Animation, Special Visual Effects, graphic print, DVD Authoring, Web Design and Independent Film Production. In 2003 Brian received the title “God Of Graphics/G.O.G.”.

Jousting Knights

Classic Telly Awards
— Best Independent Short Film

Classic Telly Awards
— Best Animation In A Film

Communicator Awards
— Best Special Effects / Animation

The Collection

The Telly Awards
— Best DVD Graphics

The AVA Awards
— Best Animation

Communicator Awards
— Best DVD Print

Communicator Awards
— Best use of Graphics

The DV Awards
— Best DVD (Menu design & authoring)

The Aurora Awards
— Best use of Graphics/design

The Aurora Awards
— Best use of Special Effects

The Videpgrapher Awards
— Animation

The Aegis Awards
— Best DVD Promotional

The Vision Awards
— Best Graphic Design

Brian Ryder Productions .com

The Telly Awards
— Best Web Site Multimedia

Communicator Awards
— Best Web Design

The Golden Web Awards
— Best Web-Site Design

The Vision Awards
— Best Web Design