People and things that seek to destroy you

Lord FreakZilla Inspiration

People and things that seek to destroy you is my topic. Good morning, love. I have never in my life encountered so many people who are hurting and broken, as I have in the last few months. Never have I seen so many people guilty of lying, cheating, manipulating and playing wicked games with others lives. Words, I love you, …

Expecting too Much?

Lord FreakZilla Inspiration

I‘ve been told that I expect too much from people. That expecting too much will lead to disappointment every time. Well…..maybe they are right. Maybe I should expect lies from people I’m honest with. Maybe I should expect disloyalty from someone I’m loyal to. Maybe I should expect a close friend to betray me. Maybe I should expect lovers to …

Life Presents us problems for a reason

Lord FreakZilla Inspiration

Life presents us with problems so that we may grow. How we react to these situations, governs how our life turns out. The more bad we over come, the better our life can improve. I have been cheated on, betrayed, lied to, and played games with. I’ve had my life almost taken from me 3 times. But I am still …

Those that ignore us

Lord FreakZilla Inspiration

Good morning my Loves. Those that ignore you, Do NOT deserve your time or effort. We generate fears while we sit and wait. We overcome by taking action. Security is a superstition. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. Have confidence in yourself and you will gain the confidence of others. Fake it, until you Make it! …

Don’t let yesterday become today

Lord FreakZilla Inspiration

Good morning, Love. I knew a person that used to say every morning to me, Today is a brand new day. Yesterday is gone. It is true. We tend to relive our past that may be full of mistakes. But the past can NOT be changed. Don’t let yesterday become today!! We hold the power of our future in our …

Opportunities and Fairy Tales

Lord FreakZilla Inspiration

Opportunities are sent our way. But you have to take action. People who believe – if it’s meant to be it will be, live in fairy tale land. You watch too many movies or listen to too many songs. I promise you, you will lose in the end believing that BS. Life does not force you down a path. It …


Lord FreakZilla Poems

Before the 18th century, Love did not exist; Marriages were arranged, And brides were unkissed. Daughters were sold, To the one with highest bids; The man would take care of her, In exchange for raising kids. No words of compassion, No saying baby or honey; For men it was about beauty, And for women it was about money. But in …